BFA Training Reviews

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Customers Reviews

“ We had our 3 day First aid at work with Bandaid First Aid Training. Our instructor was great and kept it intresting and relevant to our specific business, I would recommend Bandaid First Aid Training to any organisation” Reece – Oxygen Free Jumping

Excellent day, informative and having done first aid courses all my adult life this was definitley the most informative and fun i have had on a first aid course”Jane – Cruise Ships

Highly recommend this company, very knowledgeable first aid course, my work colleagues and I learnt much more infomation then a previous first aid course with a diffrent company”Niki – Little Hair Company

We learnt so much on our Emergency First Aid at work course. Our course was very well presented and our instructor had knowlege from real life situations, something we have never had on other courses. I would highly recommend Bandaid First Aid Training”Lesley – Wetwheels